| |
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(str, str) -> str
- QT_TR_NOOP(...)
- QT_TR_NOOP(str) -> str
- QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8(...)
- QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8(str) -> str
- Q_ARG(...)
- Q_ARG(object, object) -> QGenericArgument
- Q_CLASSINFO(str, str)
- Q_ENUM(...)
- Q_ENUM(Union[type, enum.Enum])
- Q_ENUMS(...)
- Q_ENUMS(*)
- Q_FLAG(...)
- Q_FLAG(Union[type, enum.Enum])
- Q_FLAGS(...)
- Q_FLAGS(*)
- Q_RETURN_ARG(object) -> QGenericReturnArgument
- bin_(...)
- bin_(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- bom(...)
- bom(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- center(...)
- center(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- dec(...)
- dec(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- endl(...)
- endl(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- fixed(...)
- fixed(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- flush(...)
- flush(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- forcepoint(...)
- forcepoint(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- forcesign(...)
- forcesign(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- hex_(...)
- hex_(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- left(...)
- left(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- lowercasebase(...)
- lowercasebase(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- lowercasedigits(...)
- lowercasedigits(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- noforcepoint(...)
- noforcepoint(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- noforcesign(...)
- noforcesign(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- noshowbase(...)
- noshowbase(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- oct_(...)
- oct_(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- pyqtPickleProtocol(...)
- pyqtPickleProtocol() -> Optional[int]
- pyqtRemoveInputHook(...)
- pyqtRemoveInputHook()
- pyqtRestoreInputHook(...)
- pyqtRestoreInputHook()
- pyqtSetPickleProtocol(...)
- pyqtSetPickleProtocol(Optional[int])
- pyqtSlot(...)
- @pyqtSlot(*types, name: Optional[str], result: Optional[str])
This is a decorator applied to Python methods of a QObject that marks them
as Qt slots.
The non-keyword arguments are the types of the slot arguments and each may
be a Python type object or a string specifying a C++ type.
name is the name of the slot and defaults to the name of the method.
result is type of the value returned by the slot.
- qAbs(...)
- qAbs(float) -> float
- qAddPostRoutine(...)
- qAddPostRoutine(Callable[..., None])
- qAddPreRoutine(...)
- qAddPreRoutine(Callable[[], None])
- qAlpha(...)
- qAlpha(QRgba64) -> int
qAlpha(int) -> int
- qBlue(...)
- qBlue(QRgba64) -> int
qBlue(int) -> int
- qChecksum(...)
- qChecksum(bytes) -> int
qChecksum(bytes, Qt.ChecksumType) -> int
- qCompress(...)
- qCompress(Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], compressionLevel: int = -1) -> QByteArray
- qCritical(...)
- qCritical(str)
- qDebug(...)
- qDebug(str)
- qDrawBorderPixmap(...)
- qDrawBorderPixmap(QPainter, QRect, QMargins, QPixmap)
- qDrawPlainRect(...)
- qDrawPlainRect(QPainter, int, int, int, int, Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient], lineWidth: int = 1, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
qDrawPlainRect(QPainter, QRect, Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient], lineWidth: int = 1, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
- qDrawShadeLine(...)
- qDrawShadeLine(QPainter, int, int, int, int, QPalette, sunken: bool = True, lineWidth: int = 1, midLineWidth: int = 0)
qDrawShadeLine(QPainter, QPoint, QPoint, QPalette, sunken: bool = True, lineWidth: int = 1, midLineWidth: int = 0)
- qDrawShadePanel(...)
- qDrawShadePanel(QPainter, int, int, int, int, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, lineWidth: int = 1, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
qDrawShadePanel(QPainter, QRect, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, lineWidth: int = 1, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
- qDrawShadeRect(...)
- qDrawShadeRect(QPainter, int, int, int, int, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, lineWidth: int = 1, midLineWidth: int = 0, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
qDrawShadeRect(QPainter, QRect, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, lineWidth: int = 1, midLineWidth: int = 0, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
- qDrawWinButton(...)
- qDrawWinButton(QPainter, int, int, int, int, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
qDrawWinButton(QPainter, QRect, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
- qDrawWinPanel(...)
- qDrawWinPanel(QPainter, int, int, int, int, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
qDrawWinPanel(QPainter, QRect, QPalette, sunken: bool = False, fill: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = None)
- qEnvironmentVariable(...)
- qEnvironmentVariable(str) -> str
qEnvironmentVariable(str, str) -> str
- qErrnoWarning(...)
- qErrnoWarning(int, str)
- qFatal(...)
- qFatal(str)
- qFloatDistance(...)
- qFloatDistance(float, float) -> int
- qFormatLogMessage(...)
- qFormatLogMessage(QtMsgType, QMessageLogContext, str) -> str
- qFuzzyCompare(...)
- qFuzzyCompare(QMatrix4x4, QMatrix4x4) -> bool
qFuzzyCompare(QQuaternion, QQuaternion) -> bool
qFuzzyCompare(QTransform, QTransform) -> bool
qFuzzyCompare(QVector2D, QVector2D) -> bool
qFuzzyCompare(QVector3D, QVector3D) -> bool
qFuzzyCompare(QVector4D, QVector4D) -> bool
- qGray(...)
- qGray(int, int, int) -> int
qGray(int) -> int
- qGreen(...)
- qGreen(QRgba64) -> int
qGreen(int) -> int
- qInf(...)
- qInf() -> float
- qInfo(...)
- qInfo(str)
- qInstallMessageHandler(...)
- qInstallMessageHandler(Optional[Callable[[QtMsgType, QMessageLogContext, str], None]]) -> Optional[Callable[[QtMsgType, QMessageLogContext, str], None]]
- qIsFinite(...)
- qIsFinite(float) -> bool
- qIsGray(...)
- qIsGray(int) -> bool
- qIsInf(...)
- qIsInf(float) -> bool
- qIsNaN(...)
- qIsNaN(float) -> bool
- qIsNull(...)
- qIsNull(float) -> bool
- qPixelFormatAlpha(...)
- qPixelFormatAlpha(int, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.UnsignedInteger) -> QPixelFormat
- qPixelFormatCmyk(...)
- qPixelFormatCmyk(int, alphaSize: int = 0, alphaUsage: QPixelFormat.AlphaUsage = QPixelFormat.IgnoresAlpha, alphaPosition: QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition = QPixelFormat.AtBeginning, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.UnsignedInteger) -> QPixelFormat
- qPixelFormatGrayscale(...)
- qPixelFormatGrayscale(int, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.UnsignedInteger) -> QPixelFormat
- qPixelFormatHsl(...)
- qPixelFormatHsl(int, alphaSize: int = 0, alphaUsage: QPixelFormat.AlphaUsage = QPixelFormat.IgnoresAlpha, alphaPosition: QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition = QPixelFormat.AtBeginning, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.FloatingPoint) -> QPixelFormat
- qPixelFormatHsv(...)
- qPixelFormatHsv(int, alphaSize: int = 0, alphaUsage: QPixelFormat.AlphaUsage = QPixelFormat.IgnoresAlpha, alphaPosition: QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition = QPixelFormat.AtBeginning, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.FloatingPoint) -> QPixelFormat
- qPixelFormatRgba(...)
- qPixelFormatRgba(int, int, int, int, QPixelFormat.AlphaUsage, QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition, premultiplied: QPixelFormat.AlphaPremultiplied = QPixelFormat.NotPremultiplied, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.UnsignedInteger) -> QPixelFormat
- qPixelFormatYuv(...)
- qPixelFormatYuv(QPixelFormat.YUVLayout, alphaSize: int = 0, alphaUsage: QPixelFormat.AlphaUsage = QPixelFormat.IgnoresAlpha, alphaPosition: QPixelFormat.AlphaPosition = QPixelFormat.AtBeginning, premultiplied: QPixelFormat.AlphaPremultiplied = QPixelFormat.NotPremultiplied, typeInterpretation: QPixelFormat.TypeInterpretation = QPixelFormat.UnsignedByte, byteOrder: QPixelFormat.ByteOrder = QPixelFormat.LittleEndian) -> QPixelFormat
- qPremultiply(...)
- qPremultiply(QRgba64) -> QRgba64
qPremultiply(int) -> int
- qQNaN(...)
- qQNaN() -> float
- qRed(...)
- qRed(QRgba64) -> int
qRed(int) -> int
- qRegisterResourceData(...)
- qRegisterResourceData(int, bytes, bytes, bytes) -> bool
- qRemovePostRoutine(...)
- qRemovePostRoutine(Callable[..., None])
- qRgb(...)
- qRgb(int, int, int) -> int
- qRgba(...)
- qRgba(int, int, int, int) -> int
- qRgba64(...)
- qRgba64(int, int, int, int) -> QRgba64
qRgba64(int) -> QRgba64
- qRound(...)
- qRound(float) -> int
- qRound64(...)
- qRound64(float) -> int
- qSNaN(...)
- qSNaN() -> float
- qSetFieldWidth(...)
- qSetFieldWidth(int) -> QTextStreamManipulator
- qSetMessagePattern(...)
- qSetMessagePattern(str)
- qSetPadChar(...)
- qSetPadChar(str) -> QTextStreamManipulator
- qSetRealNumberPrecision(...)
- qSetRealNumberPrecision(int) -> QTextStreamManipulator
- qSharedBuild(...)
- qSharedBuild() -> bool
- qUncompress(...)
- qUncompress(Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) -> QByteArray
- qUnpremultiply(...)
- qUnpremultiply(QRgba64) -> QRgba64
qUnpremultiply(int) -> int
- qUnregisterResourceData(...)
- qUnregisterResourceData(int, bytes, bytes, bytes) -> bool
- qVersion(...)
- qVersion() -> str
- qWarning(...)
- qWarning(str)
- qrand(...)
- qrand() -> int
- qsrand(...)
- qsrand(int)
- qt_set_sequence_auto_mnemonic(...)
- qt_set_sequence_auto_mnemonic(bool)
- reset(...)
- reset(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- right(...)
- right(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- scientific(...)
- scientific(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- showbase(...)
- showbase(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- uppercasebase(...)
- uppercasebase(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- uppercasedigits(...)
- uppercasedigits(QTextStream) -> QTextStream
- ws(...)
- ws(QTextStream) -> QTextStream